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Evening Primrose Carrier Oil contains high levels of GLA essential fatty acids and is good for dry and mature skin. It also soothes inflammation and can be used in dandruff applications. Small amounts are often added to other carrier oils for fortification.

Additional Description

Incredible Benefits and Use of Evening Primrose Oil:

 Products Features: 100% Evening Primrose oil, Therapeutic grade, Use Natural Ingredients, Perfect for Aromatherapy oil. We never dilute our essential oils with preservatives or any liquid. In every bottle of Evening Primrose Carrier oil you will get 100% Evening Primrose oil.

Help your hair and scalp retain moisture: It promotes hair growth and deeply nourishes hair, making it silky and vibrant. Evening primrose oil, being a carrier oil can be easily blended with other carrier as well as essential oils so that it can be effectively used for body and hair massages as well as in aromatherapy.

Ideal For All Skin Types: makes an effective skin moisturizer, hydrating skin and making it soft. In addition, it is also a gentle cleanser, removing dirt and grime and cleaning out facial pores, improving the quality of skin.

Prevent joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain: Evening Primrose Oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that has been used to treat diminish unsightly eye circle, the eczema, treat heumatoid arthritis, sore throats and bruising, help strengthen the skin barrier.