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Beetroot is rich in anti-oxidants, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, folate (vitamin B6) and manganese, along with other nutrients. Beetroot capsules provides numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure and increased exercise performance. 

Additional Description

Health Benefits of Beet Root capsules: 

» Loaded with essential vitamin & minerals: in antioxidants, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, folate (Vitamin B9) and manganese, Beetroot provides numerous health benefits and increased exercise performance.

» Nitric Oxide Superfood: Rich in nitrates, Beet Root Powder juice helps to dilate blood vessels, which increases blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. It is often used by Body builders for a post workout muscle pump. It aids in detoxification - clear out the bad stuff so your body can invest more energy up taking and using the good stuff.   

» Cold lower your blood pressure: Rich in nitrates, it can actually help lower blood pressure because the nitric acid they create in the body helps dilate blood vessels.


» Suggested use: As a dietary Supplement for adults for take 2 Capsule a day, as needed.